Is virus flow in the direction of wind. If yes tell me how

The World Health Organization and other university said that..

  •  The World Health Organization finally acknowledged on Tuesday that there was evidence of corona virus infection 'spreading through the air'.
  •  Earlier, a group of scientists wrote an open letter to the WHO, urging it to improve its existing guidelines.
  •  "We are talking about the possibility of the corona virus spreading through the air," said Maria Wa Kerkhov, the technical lead associated with the Kovid-19 pandemic in the WHO.
    Is virus flow in the direction of wind
    Is virus flow in the direction of wind

  •  In this regard, Benedetta Allengranji of the World Health Organization said that there is evidence of corona virus spreading through the air, but this cannot be said with certainty.
  • Dr. Donald Milton of the University of Maryland School of Public Health said, "The virus is spreading through the air and nothing can be more clear than this."  You are not safe even at a distance of six feet.  You cannot remove the mask even if you are more than six feet away.

Corona can spread through air, WHO releases new guideline

239 scientists from 32 countries had claimed that the corona could be spread by air.  He made this claim by writing to the World Health Organization and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 

 The scientists accompanying it have also demanded in their letter to change the guidelines made by the organization.  With which the World Health Organization has released a new guideline.  Know about them in detail.

 Maria Van Kerkhov, the technical lead of the World Health Organization, says that we cannot rule out the possibility of airborne transmission and aerosol transmission.  Let me tell you before the World Health Organization that corona virus infection spreads through nose and mouth.  Apart from this, it is spread by touching the infected place.

In its latest guideline, the World Health Organization has expressed fears that the corona virus infection is spreading through the air in some places.  In which crowded place, restaurant and fitness class have been talked about aerosol transmission. 

 Along with this, it is also said that if an infected person stays in a closed room for a long time, then the corona can spread according to the flow of air in that room.  So now we need to be more vigilant.

World Health Organization's New Guide Lines to Avoid Airborne Corona

  •  Avoid visiting crowded places.
  •  Make as much distance from the restaurant, mall or fitness class as you can.
  •  Shift the ventilation to a well-facilitated area.
  •  Always wear a mask while going out or if you are infected.
  •  Completely follow social distancing.
  •  Wash hands repeatedly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  •  To prevent infection, keep a stick from the infected person.


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