You will look young even at the age of 40, follow these 5 anti aging skin tips

 With ageing, the skin starts to glow and wrinkles start appearing on the face.  By taking care of some special things, the skin can be made spotless and beautiful even in old age.  For this, apart from paying attention to food and drink, some special tips have to be adopted.

You will look young even at the age of 40, follow these 5 anti aging skin tips
You will look young even at the age of 40, follow these 5 anti aging skin tips

After the age of 30, the effect of age on the skin of women starts showing gradually.  Wrinkles start appearing on the skin by the age of 40.  Sometimes due to stress, bad lifestyle and pollution also the effect of age starts showing on the face prematurely.  By changing some habits and taking care of the skin, the skin can be kept beautiful and young even in old age.  Let's know about it.

 Protect the skin from strong sunlight- 

Avoid exposure to strong sunlight as it can lead to hyperpigmentation.  Due to this, premature wrinkles start on the skin.  For this, whenever you step out of the house, apply sunscreen of more than 30 SPF.  Applying sunscreen even indoors is good for the skin.

 Eat foods rich in Vitamins E and C – 

both these vitamins are rich in antioxidants which prevent the elements from damaging the skin cells.  It makes the skin spotless and supple.  These vitamins are found in abundance in dried fruits, dairy products, seeds, vegetable oils, green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, peppers, kiwis and lemons.

Always remove makeup before sleeping 

 Due to not removing makeup before sleeping, the pores get clogged, due to which wrinkles start appearing on the face.  Go to bed after cleaning your face completely before sleeping.  This removes the dirt from your skin and gives it a chance to breathe.

 Keep the skin moisturized- First of all, apply a layer of moisturizer on the skin as soon as you leave the bath.  Apply a moisturizer that contains glycerin, mineral oil or hyaluronic acid.  They retain moisture in the skin for a long time.

 Stay Hydrated: Drink at least eight glasses of water a day to keep your skin hydrated, supple and spotless.  Wrinkles start to appear on the skin due to drinking less water.

Sprouted grains are amazing for the skin

 If you also want to keep yourself young and healthy for a long time, these natural foods can benefit you a lot.  Sprouted grains are a panacea in this.  Immunity can be increased by consuming sprouted grains daily.  It also prevents many types of diseases.  The skin tightens due to the consumption of sprouts.

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