Benifits of yoga for physical fitness

Yoga and Fitness
Benifits of yoga for physical fitness
Benifits of yoga for physical fitness

Yoga not only removes physical but mental illnesses too. Given the same benefits of yoga, it is being preferred not only in the country but also abroad. There is no need to hurt the body in order to do yoga and neither does it need to go to the gym. From stress to heart, obesity, diabetes etc. all diseases can be overcome by yoga. Yoga gives relax and remove stress from mind
Benefits of yoga
  • - Yoga reduces body fatigue. Yoga has its own significance in terms of refreshing the body and mind and the spiritual benefits. Some yoga type give a natural power  our body  to protect from desies and stress
  • - The internal process of the body works smoothly with Yogasons. Because it makes our body painless
  • - some Yoga improves stomachache and digestion power is corrected. So that our food digest properly
  • - Yoga makes the spinal-spinal bones flexible. Not only this, there is flexibility in the whole body.
  • Yoga gives strength to the muscles. This leads to obesity and the lean person is fit. It help in loose weight if your BMI is more
  • - By doing yoga, the blood is accelerated, which makes the face shine on the face.
  • - Healthy air is transmitted by yoga through which lungs work better. And blood become pure which help to grow muscle
  • Yoga is a boon for physical health because it has an effect on all parts of the body and it does its job smoothly. It also give a natural shine on skin and help to become fair
  • - Yogasana makes the eyes light up. And it also give a proper health to your teath
  • - Yogasana is the exercise of every part of the body, through which the body becomes athletic, healthy and strong. And it leads your body being six pack abs
  • Make Yog, but Precaution During Yoga
There are some precautions necessary during yoga. With the help of the following precautions and tips you can avoid many problems:
Yoga after eating: Avoiding yoga after eating: - Yoga with the filled stomach causes many problems.
There should be a gap of two hours between practice of food and yoga.
Wear loose clothes: - Yoga can be done by wearing comfortable and loose fitting clothes for better breathing and sweating. Shoes are not too tight or loose.
Do not do yoga during menstruation: During menstruation, women should not have sun marks and movements towards turning the body backwards.
Warm up is necessary before yoga: - Perform 10-minute workup or stretching before yoga. After 10 minutes of exercise, relax after 10 minutes. This increases the ability to breathe and focus too much.
Besides, there is no problem like cordic or hypertension, it is not appropriate to do yoga without proper trainer. If you are doing Yoga at home then avoid forward bending and doing such postures, in which the body must be folded backwards. By warmup your body becomes ready to yoga
Do Yoga at Home
Yoga postures, which can be caused by multiple shocks, can also cause injury. It also poses a risk of muscle strain. Yoga is a miraculous and effective art of focusing and keeping fit. It should be done under the supervision of an instructor, but if you know the safety measures well then you can practice it at home. Here we are giving some important tips that need to be kept in mind before starting Asana and Yoga.
Separate place for yoga: - Make a different place for yoga and make sure there is no noise. This place is not full of furniture or curtains and it is cool and clean. You can decorate this place with pictures that give peace, so that it feels calm and holy.
Necessary things for yoga: - Keep the mat for yoga course. The blanket can also be used for asana and some other posture.
Be aware of any accident: - Do not leave any such thing in place of yoga, which can hurt or hurt you. Do the yoga on the solid surface, not the mattress etc.
Choose your personal seat and yoga style: - Choose the style of yoga as per your body and your power. With the help of a specialist, select the appropriate style for yourself from Hatha Yoga, Kripalu Yoga or Iyengar Yoga. If you want to learn the postures of yoga, then Iyengar Yoga. Those who wish to meditate or meditate, are advised to do Kundalini yoga.
Get directions from a specialist (Expert guidance is necessary): - Make a contribution in the supervision of an instructor or specialist. Once you become familiar with the nuances of this art you can do it yourself.
Get help from smart phone: - With the advent of advanced technologies, all our work has become easy. Yoga is not even different from this. Download Yoga videos and follow it.
Meditation: Meditation is an integral part of yoga, so meditation for 2 minutes. This will give your brain relief from stress and peace of mind. Blood pressure is controlled by meditation and your mood remains good. This makes your negative thinking positive.
Note- It will be better to prevent shock, pain or discomfort during any exercise. In this case, consult a physiotherapist or doctor.
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  2. Según Pete McCall, fisiólogo del ejercicio y entrenador personal para el Consejo Americano de Ejercicio: “El yoga puede resultar en un mejor sexo porque ayudará a tu flexibilidad y fortalecerá los músculos de la pelvis”. Un estudio publicado en The Journal of Sexual Medicine sugiere que el yoga puede tratar la eyaculación precoz y mejorar la satisfacción sexual.

    Además, como menciona otra investigación de la Universidad British Columbia, la reducción del estrés gracias a la práctica de yoga, aumenta la libido y la vitalidad sexual. Por tanto, al mejorar la vida sexual de diferentes maneras, es posible que la relación de pareja también se vea beneficiada.

  3. Yoga practitioners improve concentration, coordination, reaction time, memory, learning and show greater ability to solve problems according to a study by Neha Gothe, a professor at Wayne State University in Detroit. According to his research, published in The Journal of Physical Activity and Health , 20 minutes of yoga a day are more beneficial at a cognitive level than a session of intense physical activity.

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