How to protect from side effects of sunlight in summer

Side Effect from sunlight in summer
How to protect from side effects of sunlight in summer
How to protect from side effects of sunlight in summer

There are many side effects of sunlight
If we have to endure many kinds of problems due to heat, then let us know about the wrong effects of heat, which will protect yourself from heat. Some positive effects of the sun for bone
1- Anytime you walk through barefoot in the incense, you may have ulcers in the feet.
2 - Leave the location of AC or Cooler some time before going to sunlight
3- Most of the heat shows the effect on our body temperature, which causes excessive sweating of water from our body, which should be used to maintain plenty of water to maintain its ratio and as we all know, Must drink 7 to 8 liters of water
4- Water is good at any time from the house but it should be avoided immediately after coming out from the sun and heat.
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5- In the summer, the colors of light colors like light and white should be of importance rather than thick colored coarse clothing. CUKE thick cloth absorbs the energy of the energy which becomes much hotter and faster.
6- In the summer, more oil spices should be avoided, which directly affect our digestive tract.
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The main reason for the increase in heat is due to the rising heat of the sun's rays, that is, the more intense the sun will be, the greater the heat, then we will have to face even more trouble in the summer season. Easy to avoid Hindi remedies which are beneficial to protect our health
1 - The effect of excessive heat First of all, our body has the highest effect in the form of dehydration, which leads to very small proportion of water in our body, whenever it comes out of the house to avoid such situation 2 - 3 Drink glasses of water and if possible, keep water along the way with you
2- Many fruits and drinks are available in the market according to the summer season like cucumber, watermelon, melon, cucumber seasonal fruits are beneficial for our health. We should eat them well and drink milk, curd Lassi, chest, lemon, sugarcane juice are also beneficial for our body, so we should eat them in the summer.
3- Avoid excess oil spicy foods in the summer. Q. Such food is the cause of digestion in our body, and many diseases like acidity, dyspepsia, and stomach disorders also arise due to the summer season, It is very important to control yourself directly from
4- When we get out of our house in the summer season, our head must be covered up, if possible, then we can use the cuff, hat or handkerchief to cover the head, otherwise the umbrella is also beneficial to protect from sunburn. And if we are going to open the two-wheeler, first of all, the head should wear a helmet with a napkin, which should protect us directly from the sun.

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5- To avoid summer, it is often said in domestic measures that onion, garlic is beneficial to fight the sun, which by keeping with it protects directly from the hot winds, such as sunlight
6 - With summer we have a lot of impact on our skin due to the quicker sunlight, our skin is also blackish and sweaty, and in many situations, it also causes vomiting which can cause skin of our body due to itching. Whenever you come out of the house to avoid such a situation then surely our body parts are covered with light clothes and can also use eyeglasses to prevent sunlight and sand
7- Mosquitoes also occur in the summer season, so even if it is possible in summer, then use mosquito nets too.
8 - In the summer days, mint juice, mango juice, emerald, lemon cumin black saline is also very beneficial, therefore, we should drink these drinks and drink it at home, and drinking it at home will not equal the possibility of adulteration. is
9- In the summer, it should not take bath anytime after coming from a strong sun, which can also cause cold water in our body temperature.
10 - If the sun's radiation is very hot in summer, then we should plan our activities early in the morning or early in the morning rather than the strong afternoon and try to get the least amount of sunlight.
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