Diet plan to reduce obesity at home

The first meal of the diet chart to reduce obesity: Diet plan to reduce obesity at home
Immediately after rising in the morning - after the morning of morning meal
If you have not yet used this habit then put it now. It is most beneficial for your body to wake up in the morning, because the poisonous substances present in the body are released, which also leads to bleeding and the skin becomes clearer even after the blood is cleansed.
Diet plan to reduce obesity at home
Diet plan to reduce obesity at home

 To reduce the weight, then drink the empty stomach water as soon as possible. If you drink only lemon with lukewarm water and drink it then your belly will be healthy as soon as it is cleansed. Those who have blood sugar, ignore the lemon water with sugar and do not eat lemon water with salt, which is high BP compliant.
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Benefits of drinking empty stomach lemonade
  • Lemonade is the best way to reduce the body's obesity.
  • Lemon contains Vitamin C and there are many such substances that help your body fight against diseases. It also reduces the risk of respiratory disease, cold-cold, coughing.
  • Drinking lemonade leads to the removal of diabetes related diseases. Lemonade is considered to be a better alternative to high sugar juices and drinks especially.
  • Lemonade does not only reduce obesity, but it also keeps the liver clean. Lemon contains citric acid which helps the body's enzymes to function properly. This gives you more benefits for your liver.
  • Lemon water contains flavonoids which keep digestive system good. This is the reason why lemonade is fed when the stomach worsens. Drinking lemonade every morning increases the power to digest food. It also provides relief from acidity.
Second diet of diet plan to reduce obesity: Breakfast - To plan obesity to do plan
After breakfast, take breakfast after two hours after drinking lemon juice in the empty stomach. Always take nutrients in breakfast as your body also needs new nutrition with a new day. Taking a biscuit with tea does not have any snack or nutrition.
Taking nutrients in breakfast reduces body fat and at the same time consuming your day will start with a new energy.
                         Read:-Sore throat treatment
What to take breakfast
2 eggs, boiled vegetables such as leaf gobi (low calorie, fiber vitamin C), flower gobi (vitamin c, vitamin K, fiber), greens (vitamin A, vitamin K, fiber, iron), kidnut, tomato etc. A glass of milk with skim milk. Or you can take a lentil of chana or gram flour, and take milk with the cream without it.
Benefits of these diet in breakfast
  1. Eggs contain a good source of vitamins,   proteinsand minerals. Egg is not only a   source of nutrients but also helps to   reduce  weight. If you take more dishes   with eggs then it will limit the   consumption  of carbohydrate in the body.
  2. The egg itself is enough to reduce the   weight itself. Egg weight is extremely   beneficial for bones, hair, and pregnant   women as well.
  3. If you want to increase immunity in the   body boil the vegetables. With the addition   of tests in the food, the body will also fit   inside. Eating boiled vegetables does not   increase our fat and gradually increased   weight control becomes because the   nutrients from boiled vegetables do not   end and you stay away from oil spices.
  4. Eating boiled vegetables does not only   reduce the weight but also reduce the risk   of diseases. By boiling, all the dirt of   vegetables is destroyed, which is why we   avoid many diseases such as heart attack,   cancer etc. If you want to increase the anti-   anti- ox in your body then you should   consume enough of the boiled vegetables.   This helps in protecting the body from   diseases.
  5. To reduce weight, stay away from fat as       much as possible. If you drink milk, it will   not increase the amount of fat in your   body, and you will also be left out of   cholesterol diseases. 
  6.                     Read:-Tips to be fit and young forever
Third diet of diet chart to lose weight: 3 hours after breakfast -
  1. for dieting, you can use diet chart for   weight loss.To reduce obesity, the third   part of the diet plan is to take a drink after   3-4 hours after breakfast (about 12   o'clock). You take a beverage that will keep   energy in your body. 
  2. What to take after 3-4 hours of breakfast Drink green tea or coconut water. Benefits of these foods after breakfast Green tea is the best home remedy to   reduce obesity. If you drink green tea after   eating it will increase your digestive   power  and the nutrients involved in it   play  an important role in reducing weight.
  3. If you drink green tea 1 hour before eating   it, it reduces your weight and also controls   your appetite.
  4.  Green tea is completely antioxidant. Also   Green T has the ability to fight diseases. By   drinking Green Tea 2 to 3 times a day, your   body will be cured.
  5. Coconut water is the best beverage to lose   weight. It is low in calories and it is easy to   digest. By drinking coconut water, our   body's metabolism rate increases,   resulting  in our body's sugar burning and   the body's excess fat starts decreasing.
  6. Coconut water keeps blood pressure   balanced, meets water shortage, keeps   bones strong and brings shine on the face.
  7. Fourth meal of diet charts for weight loss:   lunch - food chart for weight loss diet To reduce obesity, the next part of the diet   plan is lunch. Do this at one or two o'clock   in the afternoon. It is important that not   only eat empty vegetables, do not eat roti   but also eat many other nutritious foods   which keep your body nutritious, while   keeping your weight under control.
What to take in lunch
You can take many types of salads such as green leafy vegetables salad (made of green leafy vegetables such as spinach, gobi or cabbage, cucumber, cucumber and chilli etc., green salad is a good source of vitamin B12), vegetable salad (Vegetables other than green vegetables such as cucumbers, chillies, tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, radishes, carrots etc.), you can take many such salads. Take a little dal in the food and make it only in 1 teaspoon oil, it will keep your weight balanced or you can also take Raita of brown rice and a bowl of cucumber with it.
Benefits of eating lunch
  1. People who are more hungry should eat   salads. The fiber contained in it keeps the   appetite calm, which keeps our stomach   full, due to which our weight remains in   control and obesity does not grow. Fiber is   found in salad. By consuming it, the fiber   deficiency in the body is met. Eating salads   reduces weight and improves digestive   power. It is also beneficial for the heart   and protects the body against serious   diseases such as cancer.
  2. The biggest benefit of eating lentils is that it   is found in abundance of proteins, fiber,   vitamins and minerals. Turmeric, mung,   lentil, gram, urad are found in very high   quantities of protein in all these pulses. Fat   and calories are very low in these. If you   eat a cup of pulses then early appetite will   not appear at all and will help reduce   weight.
  3. Brown rice has more fiber content, which   helps in better digestion. Due to heavy   weight, it is impossible to get hunger   again.  By eating brown rice, the stomach   is  very full and also beneficial for health.   Cucumber has more water and calories   are  also less, so cucumbers are a good   choice to lose weight.
Fifth meal of diet chart for reducing obesity: Two hours after midday meal - To plan for food and drink, visit the Vajan Ghatane.
Applying Green Tea After Lunch, it will increase your digestive power and the nutrients you add to it will help you lose weight. See all the benefits associated with green tea.
Sixth Diet Plan for Weight Loss: Evening Snack - To plan Motapa to eat food diet plan.
Even after 4-5 hours of lunch, take breakfast in the evening, but it also has to be nutritious.
What to take in the evening breakfast
Take Murmur with plenty of vegetables, add lemons in it so that you keep getting vitamin C or you can also get fruit or sprouted pulses.
Benefits of eating breakfast in the evening
There is no need for heavy food in the evening so you can cook vegetables with some pomegranate and eat it, it will also give you the necessary nutritious food and also not fear of increased weight.
By eating fruits your vitamins will be filled and it will help to overcome many diseases.
By eating sprouts of pulses, your bones are strong and obesity is also reduced.
Diet Chart's 7th Diet for Reducing Obesity: Dinner - Food Charts for Satisfaction
To reduce obesity, the last part of the diet plan is dinner. Usually people eat breakfast less and eat dinner, while it should be reversed. If you want to lose weight then you should have low calorie intake at night.
What to eat in the night
You can also take many types of salads in the dinner, take salad of green leafy vegetables, vegetable salad. Take chicken or pulses in the night but those who are non-vegetarian can take the option of pulse.
Benefits of diet at dinner
With salad, your body will get fiber as well as getting fiber will lessen your appetite.
By eating chicken in the night, weight is reduced as the chicken is rich in protein and weight is controlled by our body getting protein.
And if you eat a cup of pulses then you will not get hungry too early and it will help you lose weight.


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