Diabetes Mellitus icd 10

Diabetes Mellitus icd 10
Diabetes Mellitus icd 10 

Diabetes Mellitus 

Diabetes mellitus hyperglycemia in children is a group of metabolic diseases that results from impaired insulin secretion, insulin action or both of these factors (WHO, 1999).
ICD-10 code
E10 insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
E11 Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Due to Diabetes in Children
It is believed that the development of this process has both properties of genetic disturbances and causes of external environment. A genetic tendency to type 1 diabetes is associated with an adverse combination of normal genes, various chromosomes, most of which are located in various sites on the control of various links in the body of self-preservative processes. More than 95% of patients with type 1 diabetes have HLA-DR3, -DR4 or -DR3 / DR4 alleles. To type 1 diabetes mellitus, high level of disturbances are operated by the combination of some elicinal variants of HLA-DQH DR-gene.
Diabetes Symptoms in Children
Dyslexic phase of diabetes mellitus 1 does not have specific clinical symptoms. Clinical expression develops after the death of 80-90% of beta cells and the so-called "big" symptoms - characterize the presence of thirst, polyurea and weight loss. And in the beginning of the disease, despite the increase in hunger and nutrition, weight loss has been mentioned. The first expression of polyurea can be the suppression of night or day time due to dehydration, causes of dry skin and mucous membranes.

Is it pruritus in diabetes mellitus?
Diabetes is often accompanied by itching, because this disease is based on the violation of metabolic processes. It involves increasing burden on all systems including nervous system, endocrine, immune system. As a result, sensitivity and sensitivity of the organism develop. Sometimes itching is the result of an allergic reaction that develops against the backdrop of metabolic disturbances.
Classification (WHO, 1999)
Type 1 diabetes mellitus:
Type 2 diabetes mellitus
Other types of diabetes:
  • Genetic defects of beta-cell function;
  • Genetic defects in the action of insulin;
  • Acromic acid disease of the pancreas;
  • endocrinopathies;
  • Diabetes medicines inspired by drugs or chemicals;
  • infectious disease;
  • Abnormal form of immune mediated diabetes;
  • Other genetic syndrome combined with diabetes.
  • Gestational diabetes mellitus

Diabetes diagnosis in children
There are some clinical symptoms of all children practically with a new diagnosis disease, Hyperglycemia and Glucosuria confirm the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. The level of glucose in the plasma of venous blood is greater than 11.1 mmol / l. In addition to this, most children know the location of Catonauria Occasionally a child shows an increase in the glucose concentration above 8 mmol / L in the absence of symptoms of the disease. . After the meal, the quantity of sugar (after eating two hours) repeatedly up to 11.0 mmol / L, diagnosis of diabetes is no doubt and further research is needed. Explaining the diagnosis of type 1 diabetes diagnosis of serum glutamic acid decarboxylase - explaining to the proteins that isolate the autoantibodies (1CA) and islet kletkok.
Diabetes treatment in children
The main task is to obtain and maintain a permanent compensation for the disease, and it is possible when using a set of measures:
  • Diet
  • Insulin therapy
  • Patient education and self-control
  • Physical exercise dosed

Diabetes diagnosis in children
At present, the treatment of a patient with type 1 diabetes is impossible. The diagnosis of disease for life and ability to work depends on the degree and duration of compensation for weak carbohydrate metabolism. Obtaining and maintaining HBALC scores of less than 7.6% determines the prevention of complications, hence, a favorable forecast for life and the ability to work.
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Symptoms of other diabetes
  • Thirsty
  • Frequent urination
  • -Light of eyelashes
  • - Fill any injury or injury to the wound
  • Itching on the hands, legs and genitals
  • Barking
  • -dizziness
  • Fracture

Some of these measures will help you with diabetes.
  • - Check your glucose level and be alert if it is 100 before meals and more than 125 after meals. Keep testing the HbA1c every three months so that the actual levels of sugar in your body are known. Accordingly, you can take medicines in consultation with the doctor.
  • - Make changes in your lifestyle and start doing physical work. If you do not want to go to the gym, then walk for three to four kilometers a day, or do yoga.
  • - Eat a low calorie meal. Finish sweet food in the food. Add vegetables, fresh fruits, whole grains, dairy products and omega-3 fats to your diet. Apart from this, fiber should also be consumed.
  • Instead of eating three times a day, eat the same food in six or seven times.
  • - Reduce consumption of smoking and alcohol or leave it if possible.
  • - Do not tension excessive work of the office and get enough sleep at night. Less sleep is not good for health. To reduce the stress, you pay attention or listen to music etc.
  • - Keep regular checkups of health and monitor sugar level daily so that it is never more than level. Once the sugar grows, then it is very difficult to bring down its level and during this time the increased sugar level keeps its bad effect on body parts.
  • Take wheat and barley in a quantity of 2-2 kg and peas with one kilogram of gram. Eat the chapatis made of this flour in the food.
  • - Diabetic patients should include bitter gourd, fenugreek, semolina, spinach, trout, shalgam, eggplant, parwal, gourd, radish, cauliflower, broccoli, tomatoes, closed cauliflower and leafy vegetables in their diet.
  • Add fruits like berries, lemon, amla, tomatoes, papaya, melon, raw guava, orange, seasonal, nutmeg, pears. Mango, banana, apple, dates and grapefruit should not be eaten because the sugar is high in them.
  • Soak the fenugreek seeds on the night and eat it empty stomach daily in the morning.
  • - Include almonds, garlic, onions, sprouted pulses, gram sprouts, sattu and millet etc. and use less potato, rice and butter.
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  1. I am deeply concerned about the still increase in population of people living with HSV, HIV, CANCERS, HEPATITIS, STROKES in our society today because of ignorance, to be Frank all this big names are grammars. I saw comments of people DR UTU helped get rid of their diseases, with the increase in population of people living with various diseases and myself as a beneficiary to DR UTU traditional cure I thought I too should reach the world via comment. Many People believed traditional herbs are so primitive and some are even shy to purchase it in public. Some went as far as trashing the legendary name of herbal medicine hiding its numerous advantages and let publicly it disadvantage and yet makes it look big, all this are just for pharmaceutical gain. All pharmaceutical cure are derived from existing traditional herbal cure from ages.
    Yes! I'm here to tell the world the actual FACT! which is; there is herbal cure for herpes, Ebola, HIV, cancers, hepatitis, ulcers, asthma, pile, diabetes and many big names of diseases. all my career I've lived my life believing and making research on this, till I confirmed it four years ago. Since four years ago and till today I still say yes! That among many real traditional herbalist Dr Nze Utu Njoku @ (drutuherbalcure) cures this diseases using African traditional herbs. After he cured me four years ago of genital herpes, ever since then I worked with him distance never a barrier, I'm a living witness to this. And I have directed both genital and oral herpes patients to him and they are permanently cured. I'm Ethan Oliver from Australia and also a herbal dealer and lover. I'm also a researcher on herbs for good health. Which also include Africa traditional herbal treatment, I support Herbal treatment, cure and vaccines. My view is based on my extensive research over a very long period of time, and my conclusion is, there is cure to all natural diseases including HSV, HIV, CANCERS, DIABETES, using the right medications with the right herbalist. Are you herpes positive and permanently want get rid of this disease or any of this big name diseases don't be scared to save yourself, contact Dr Utu for permanent herbal cure. Be bold and smart Don't be fooled by selfish people who say, cure is impossible.
    Dr UTU e-mail , 'drutuherbalcure@gmail.com'

  2. Glory to God in heaven. It's good to testify the goodness of God In one's life. Confese your sins and problem to one another so that you can be free forever. I'm a living witness. My name his Harris Dorothy. I was diagnosed of this deathly and shameful disease,Herpes for 4years. Till when I decided to give my life to God believing that he's a merciful God that can heal me. After service that faithful Sunday morning I decided to confess my problem to my father in Lord, Pst John of the RCCG Alaska. He gave me a brief story about his life how,necessary it is to believe in God. He told me how he suffered from Herpes for 7 years,but God makes a way for him through an African Herbalist,Dr. Dominic Elabe who he saw comments of people across online testifying how he's has been curing lots of people with his herbs. And in faith he contacted the Dr. Elabe And he Prepared his medicine and sent to him through the DHL to his home address I was very excited . I requested for the Herbs Doctor contacts . He gave me assurance that all I need to do its to pray for God to forgive my sins and sent his healing power upon my life. I did has he said and quickly contacted Dr. Elabe after a short conversation,I had to prove to me and I believed him after going through his pictures with patients and of live webcam conversation with all the documents recommending him to cure all sickness . I explained all my problems to him and all my Pst told me about its capability and talents in Herbs cure.....He gave me full assurance that I shall receive my cure if I can limit myself from what I eat and follow its medication rules because herbal and medical prescription don't go together. I requested for the immediate cure for my medicine. He papered the herbs and sent it the same way. Not upto 3weeks after taking his medicine,I began to experience lots of changes in me. To the glory of God, my HSV result,tested negative as he said....Am urging you all suffering from this diseases or of any kind,and might have any love one's with any deathly virus. God never forsake its children who believe and have faith in him...do not be afraid Dr. Elabe ...is real and ready to cure you from all diseases,sickness or infection not matter the sickness type or distance. Do your best to contact this great And powerful herbalist and watch Dr.Elebe ...he has the cure with his herbs,and it's medicine are very active with no sight effect and active immune booster. Watch him and Contact Dr.............@
    Email............... Dominicelabeherbalhome4all@gmail

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  5. Staying with Herpes is as easy as you think,but getting the cured seems confusing. I'm so happy because I'm free now from Herpes. I was very unhappy after the checkup and was diagnosed HSV 2 of which I know fully well I can't be cured with the Antibiotics, he prescribed for me the acyclovir(Zovirax), famciclovir (Famvir), andvalacyclovir (Valtrex). These are all taken in pill form. Severe cases may be treated with the intravenous I refuse to try it and went to another clinic for test and it still shows positive. I told the doctor about it and he said it's only by miracle and the prescribed he knows can't cure the virus by only keep fighting so it doesn't replenish always. I wasn't comfortable since I needed the cure.
    I was in a very sad moon,then I came back in two weeks and still shows the same. I tell you,does who knows understand what I'm saying.
    I'm saying this now because my believe leads me to understand that There's a CURE for HERPES.
    Of All English medicine you should know God gives us power over all living and non living creatures, don't feel bad now because I know being an Herpes patient for 3 years must have lost hope ,you can still get cure to CANCER, HPV,DIABETES, LOW SPARM COUNT,IRREGULAR OR PAINFUL MENSTRUATION, AND LOSTS HE WILL SHOW YOU AND YOU WILL FEEL THE WAY I DO NOW
    Dr. Odey abang is a very reliable person, don't be scared he can proof to you what you want. Contact him and let him help get cured to all sicknesses.
    His medicine are very effective and affordable with active immune booster 100% sure no site effects
    WhatsApp number@

    I'm morrisons from Alaska

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  7. Wow! This great article about herpes simplex virus.. I had been thinking about this long ago why can't the physician therapist assist us in getting a possible solution to this deathly virus.. we had no option just like our eyes closed and driving on highway.
    God bless you herbal medical practitioners whom have reviewed the cured for different STDs STIs.unlike Dr. Odey Abang Dr, Ugo,Dr.Itua, Dr. Yakubu, Dr. Sabi. This are the doctors I have Heald and lots have confirmed thier cures from. I'm from Florida in America. My friend had got the HSV cured long before I got diagnosed of same virus. I realized that after a couple of symptoms kepts reappearing often on my face and genitals. It was a very sad and shameful experience to me, but my friend whom I'm aware after several test she got tested negative after using the Herpes simplex virus medicine she got from Dr Odey Abang. The result was confirmed 4 weeks she applied the medicine. I was wondering if this count me out of my career,but with courage, she made mention of Dr. Odey Abang for the same remedies, though the listed names above are great herbalist,but was comfortable to try Dr. Odey Abang herbal medicine since he was the same man that got her the medicine. It was same day I contacted him and explain how I was. He promised to send the medicine immediately after preparation. So he did and my results came negative.
    I'm so happy now to let you know that I have found some good reason to be happy again getting out the shirt.
    Please contact him for possible remedies to all your problem.. he's spiritually inclined and can consult your problem without you telling him.
    Yes you can reach him now@

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