Skin Care Routine for Oily Skin

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Skin Care Routine for Oily Skin
Skin Care Routine for Oily Skin needs more care than normal skin. It is also common to have a pimples in this type of skin. But you can also take care of your oily skin at home. Let's know some successful tips for taking care of oily skin at home-

Beauty Tips for Skin Care Routine for Oily Skin 

  • Regular cleaning with oil-free facialwash with natural properties for it to remain free from skin oil. Never use glycerin-containing soap.
  • Use a light scrub once a week as it is important for the cleansing of oily skin. Dust-clay, make-up, dead cells are removed from the skin by cleansing and the pores of the skin are cleared. In this way you can also avoid the problem of Black Heads.
  • Wash mouth with gram flour to make the face glow.
  • Boil neem leaves and filter them. Put this water on the face like a toner.
  • Making a pack of sandalwood powder and papaya will also be beneficial on the face.
  • Whenever you exit, apply the compact powder on the face. This will make it easier to protect the skin from dust and soil.
  • Mix some drops of cucumber juice in cucumber juice for 15 minutes on the face and wash it with cold water.
  • Put the white part of the egg on the face and after drying it after drying, clean it with gram flour.
  • To reduce excess oil in the face, add mint extract and rose water to rice flour for 10 minutes on face. Put it on the face while rolling in the round with light hands. Then after some time wash with plain water.
  • Apply only the cream or lotion made for oily skin.
  • Mix apple and lemon juice in one volume and apply it on the face for 10 to 15 minutes. This will brighten your skin.
  • Place a skin tonic with a rose and lavender base in your purse. Also keep the weight tissue. So that the dust deposited on the face can be removed.
  • Do not forget to clean the skin before sleeping at night. This will not cause acne and black head on the skin.
  • Those who have oily skin should be relaxed. Because the stress affects oily skin. You can take advantage of yoga and meditation to stay relaxed.
  • Do not eat more oil-spiced food to control skin sebum oil.
  • To balance the oily glands, take a fiber-rich food and add salads to your daily routine.
  • Increase the amount of lemon, orange and amla-rich foods rich in vitamin C in your diet.
  • Tomato works as an astringent on oily skin. Extra oil extracted from the skin by mixing lightly on the face with cotton juice in cotton.
  • Remove the juice of orange and put it in the fridge. Put this cube on your face. It removes facial dirt and extra oil.
  • Put this home face mask once a week. Make a paste by mixing turmeric powder, maltani clay and pinch of turmeric in coconut water and keep it on face for 10-15 minutes. Wash with plain water after drying. This will make your skin bloom.

Tips for Oily Skin Coagulation 
Shahnaz Hussein, India's beauty expert has given some tips that is effective in preventing oil secretion of oily skin.

  1. Hard cleaners rub the surface of the skin and remove moisture and secrete more oil than before. There are chemical substances in many face wash. Shahnaz Hussein gives his customers the idea of ​​using natural home face wash and cleaner. Multani clay, sandalwood powder, barley flour, turmeric powder mixed with face wash, are considered to be better than face wash found in the market.
  2. Oily skin deposits in excessive amount of dead cells compared to dry skin. More scrubbing makes the skin cells open skin and oil, so scrubbing should be done 2 to 3 times per week. You can also use bloating paper to remove oil from the skin.
  3. Natural scrub can be made by grinding dry orange or lemon peels. Apart from this, a good scrub can also be made by mixing coffee beans with baking powder.
  4. Oil of oily skin can be reduced by using blotting paper or powder. Repeat it repeatedly when you feel the oil on the skin.
  5. Papaya - The skin of the papaya spots on the skin. It removes dead cells, dandruff and wrinkles from the skin.
  6. Women who have oily skin should keep abstinence from make-up. And if they want to do, use the powder made of powder. Powder will absorb skin oil and your makeup will last for a long time. The powder foundation, powder blush and powder liner are easily available in the market.
  7. Treat glycolic and salicylic acid peel treatment for sensitive skin.
  8. Women who have oily skin should not use cold cream or any oil. This closes the pores of the skin, causing acne and stains.

Get rid of oily skin, then try these prescriptions.
1. To take out oil from the face, mix mint water and gram flour in rice flour by mixing it. Wash it with lukewarm water after applying it for 10 minutes.

2. Boys with oily skin should never use creams and lotions. If you want, you can use the Aleofera water before sleeping at night. Do not use glycerin-containing soap, always use oil free facialwash to wash your face.
3. Scrabbs must be done once a week. By doing this, dust-clay, make-up, dead cells are removed and the skin becomes clean.
4. Facial Stain - To remove the stains, once in a week, cover the gram flour of the gram flour once in a week. With this, the dull skin will be cleansed and the face blackness will also be removed.
5. Boil neem leaves and filter them. Put this water on the face like a toner. Applying it does not make the foam on the oily face.

6. Always face the face while leaving the house. With this, also compact powders can not be found in the face.
7. Use cucumber juice to refresh the face. Mix lemon juice with cucumber juice. Apply them on the face for 15 minutes after mixing well. After this, wash the face with cold water and wash the face with cold water.
8. Tomato sesame oil for oily skin. To use it, remove the tomato juice. Now put the juice on the face with cotton wool. Using it daily, extra oil gets out.
9. Include lime, orange and amla in your diet with the addition of face pack. This will not remove the pimples on the face.

10. To get relief from oily skin, make a paste by mixing coconut water with sandalwood powder, multani clay, pinch of turmeric. Now put this paste on face for 10 to 15 minutes. Wash it with fresh water after drying.
11. Clean the face thoroughly before sleeping at night. By doing so, the dust clay on the face will be cleaned. Apart from this, people with oily skin should not worry too much. Meditation to erase tanash
Use lemon juice as scrub
Mix lemon juice with sweet almond oil and salt and with the help of your fingertips or cotton, apply it on your face. This will spark your skin by removing dead cells from your face with natural screws, stains of stains and grains will not remain with lemon juice.
Use of flour or gram flour for removal of sunburn scar
For the treatment of burnt skin due to sunburn, you can apply a spoon of gram flour (flour), two teaspoons of curd, and mix it. . Put it on the face for half an hour and dry it, then wash it with cold water. It provides clear, soft and glowy skin to your skin. For the sensitive skin, mix the curd with this mixture and make the coating.
If you want a healthy skin, then the answer is cucumber. Applying a paste of cucumber with raw milk will make your color disappear. Wash cucumber juice with fresh water for 15 minutes. It also helps to soften and soften your skin.
Tomatoes are an antioxidant for our skin, which releases wrinkles from the skin, make a thick coating of two large tomatoes, apply uniformly around your face, after 20 minutes, clean the water of the cold water after 20 minutes. To make a paste, add tomato pulp in a day's curd, and make a paste and apply it in the morning and after some time wash with water, it will make your face beautiful, bright and shiny and will also clean your color.

  • Tomatoes are very beneficial for our skin because they are of cold and astringent properties. It is naturally acidic, so it maintains balance in the skin and helps in getting relief from oily skin. Put your tomato pulp on your face evenly, wash it with warm water by drying it dry for 15 minutes, it naturally gives natural face to your face.

To remove blackheads naturally and make a clean skin, prepare coconut juice and lemon juice with equal amounts and prepare a paste. Before bathing, apply this lip on your face, neck. Let your skin absorb for at least ten minutes; Regular use of it will reduce your blackheads.
If the skin in your face is getting dry and lifeless, then prepare the lip with equal amount of mashed melon, pumpkin, cucumber and watermelon. Make a mixture with milk cream, and apply it on your face. Leave the coating to dry for one hour and wash using plain water. It removes the dry skin, giving a fresh live look on your skin
How to fill skin pores naturally 
Thin thin pieces of an apple, put them on the face and leave for 15 minutes. This reduces the extra oil and fills the pores. You can also make a thin coating of apple peel, honey, vinegar, and multani clay. Apply it for 30 minutes, and wash with rose water. It will make your skin healthy, bright and shiny.
Water and good sleep enhance the beauty of natural face. Every day 10-12 glasses of water and six to eight hours of sleep every day revive your skin, and work to repair damaged cells. Set your appropriate time frame, make a description of your routine lists, and make time to complete those things so you will feel better. It is helpful in treating acne cracks, acne marks and other skin problems.

Apart from the help of the above mentioned beauty tips, limiting oil and fatty food will naturally provide beautiful color and vibrant skin of the skin.


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